Researchers now postulate that brain injury victims reap enormous benefits from lengthy rehabilitative therapy, a finding that flies in the face of conventional wisdom on the subject. Doctors at the University of California at San Diego compared different groups of rats with cortical injuries: one group received extensive therapy, while the other one received the traditional amount of therapy, which …
Troops Increasing Focus on ISIS
Officials are remaining mum about the capture of a top Islamic State of Iraq and Syria leader during a special operations raid in Iraq; the Pentagon refused to release the leader’s name, the precise location of the raid, and his prior leadership role in the militant group. Top brass fear that the release of information would jeopardize a stepped-up effort …
Developments in Overseas Contractor Pay
Some private civilian employees in Afghanistan, Iraq, and certain other MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries will see larger paychecks in the coming months. Overseas workers who are in-country responding to a national emergency or supporting an existing military operation for any 42 consecutive days can earn up to $237,000 per year through the end of 2016, under a …
New Developments in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons approved new guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition that causes extreme pain for millions of workers. Contractors in Iraq, especially women, are highly at-risk for developing CTS. Previously, many doctors primarily relied on MRI images to diagnose CTS. Others used thenar atrophy, which is reduced muscle mass around …
Private Contractors Still at Work in MENA
American contractors who carry guns and operate armored vehicles are now returning to Iraq in large numbers to support Operation Inherent Resolve. Many American contractors who carry s and operate construction vehicles never left this country in the Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region in the first place. Ongoing construction projects in the war-torn country currently total over $358 billion, making …