U.S. Troops Move Into Philippines

A new accord between the United States and its erstwhile colonial possession may place American forces less than 190 miles from the hotly-disputed, and perhaps aptly named, Mischief Islands in the South China Sea, raising the issue of compensation for injured contractors in this area. In the 1990s, China and the Philippines almost came to blows over this island group, …

Back to Basics: Tips For Filing a DBA Claim

Most homicide detectives would agree that the first 48 hours are critical to the investigation. Even though the trial may not take place for months or even years after the fact, many murder cases are won or lost during this initial time window. A Defense Base Act claim is very much the same. Many injured Afghanistan and Iraq contractors have …

Technology and Brain Injury Diagnosis

Researchers hope that, in addition to making video games more realistic, virtual reality (VR) technology may soon be able to help doctors diagnose brain injuries that contractors suffer in Iraq. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved a head-mounted eye tracking device from SyncThink, a Boston-headquartered engineering firm. The EYE-SYNC uses virtual reality technology to measure and record impaired eye …

Job Tips for Private Contractors Working Overseas

Whether you are attracted to populated areas like Japan and Italy, isolated places like Diego Garcia and Kwajalein, or hot spots like Iraq or Afghanistan, there are a number of things to consider before you pack your bags. First and foremost, there is the matter of actually finding a job. Start by asking your current employer if there are any …

Private Military Units in the UN

Should organizations whose missions are exclusively peaceful and nonaggressive, like the United Nations, use private military contractors in the same way that the United States and other nations-states use these entities in places like Iraq and Afghanistan? Two Polish scholars addressed this question, and other ones like it, in a recent International Community Law Review article. The use of Private …