Policy Changes Spur Indian Private Military Contractor Expansion

Policy Changes Spur Indian Private Military Contractor Expansion

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to partner with local service providers wherever possible may be a “golden goose” for Mumbai-based Larsen & Toubro, according to the firm’s defense business chief Jayant Patil. Emboldened by a $700 million contract award in May of 2017, the firm says it will bid on over $28 billion in contracts over the next several years. …

New Trials Ordered in Nisour Square Cases

New Trials Ordered in Nisour Square Cases

A federal appeals court ordered the resentencing of three former Blackwater contractors who received long prison sentences on manslaughter charges, and threw out a fourth contractor’s murder conviction altogether. The case goes back to 2007, when a group of Blackwater guards protecting a convoy opened fire in a crowded city square in Iraq. They insisted that they were fighting off …

DoD Spent $250B On SW Asia Contractors

Report: DoD Spent $250B On SW Asia Contractors

In the decade that ended in 2016, the Department of Defense spent over $249 billion on contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, many of whom were injured. While contractor numbers peaked in 2009 (Iraq) and 2012 (Afghanistan), numbers remain high. At the end of 2016, the United States Central Command employed nearly 43,000 private military contractors, and well over half were …

Why are There So Many Overseas Contractors

Why are There So Many Overseas Contractors?

The large contingent of military contractors in Afghanistan and Iraq led many pundits in Congress and the media to briefly call for “insourcing,” or giving these jobs to regular service members, especially after a few high-profile incidents. But such calls overlook the long history of military contractors. According to many, that history really goes back to the 18th century, when …

Checking in on Balad Air Base

Checking in on Balad Air Base

The sprawling DoD installation in Iraq, which is home to an F-16 squadron and infamous among many contractors, is getting a $134 million facelift and expansion. Reston, Virginia-based Sallyport Global Holdings will do all the work in the next six months. According to a news release, the job entails upgrades and expansions to “base operations support, life support and security …