If the United States is serious about ending its longest war ever, it will use more contractors in Afghanistan, veteran journalist John Stossel opined. Prior to an interview with Blackwater founder Erik Prince, Mr. Stossel was impressed by Mr. Prince’s success in virtually ending Somali piracy. In 2010 the pirates captured more than a thousand hostages, but none in 2014 …
Contractors Take Lead in Controversial Niger Incident
Berry Aviation evacuated U.S. military casualties after ISIS-affiliated militants apparently ambushed a military convoy in Niger in October of 2017. Pursuant to its contract with the U.S. Transportation Command, the Texas-based contractor maintains one helicopter and one propellor-driven plane in Niamey, Niger’s capitol, for “casualty evacuation” and “other things,” according to a U.S. Africa Command spokesperson. Details about the incident …
Should TBI Patients Use Marijuana to Alleviate Their Symptoms?
One combat veteran says that although marijuana is not a cure and not 100% effective, it does alleviate traumatic brain injury symptoms more effectively than the pills that the Veterans Administration prescribes. Sergeant Thomas Brennan sustained a TBI in Afghanistan. Two years later, he received a medical discharge due to severe depression, persistent migraines, vertigo, and other symptoms. He began …
Breaking Down The Trump Doctrine
In an August 2017 speech that has major implications for injured contractors, President Donald Trump shared some of his vision for the ongoing Afghanistan War. The strategy is part of a broader approach that the president has used in dealing with other international trouble spots, such as the Islamic State, North Korea, Syria, and Iran. Beginning as a candidate and …
Four-Legged Soldiers Flood Southwest Asia
Since 9/11, demand for Military War Dogs (MWDs) has skyrocketed, and these animals now number more than 1,600. They serve in Afghanistan, Iraq, and many other theaters. These animals are highly trained and usually cost in excess of $25,000 each. They are so costly that the Army is buying animatronic MWDs from TraumaFX, an Atlanta-based division of military contractor KForce, …