A newly-discovered treatment may enable injured brains to heal themselves after incidents in Afghanistan or elsewhere. High-resolution Relational Resonance-based Electroencephalic Mirroring (HIRREM) is essentially an acoustic mirror that gives the brain a chance to examine itself, according to Wake Forest Medical School’s Dr. Charles H. Tegeler. Dr. Tegeler and his team studied 18 symptomatic veterans who each received about a …
Four Places Where Contractors Play Pivotal Roles
Most people regard the end of the Spanish-American War as the beginning of imperialism in the United States. The turn of the 20th century also provided Americans with the first glimpse of an anti-insurgency campaign, like the 21st century campaigns in Iraq and elsewhere. Rebels in the newly-acquired Philippine Islands, which had been opposed to Spain, simply turned their guns …
Will Amazon Become the Latest Private Military Contractor?
The Department of Defense wants Amazon to be its exclusive cloud provider and wants to pay the online retailer $5 billion to fulfill this role. This contract would have tremendous implications for military contractors in Qatar and elsewhere. After some considerable hand-wringing, the DoD finally concluded that it simply lacks the infrastructure to move to the cloud on its own, …
Netflix Series Prominently Features Military Contractors
Anvil, a fictional private military contractor, plays an important role in the Netflix series The Punisher, but this company bears little resemblance to the ones that operate in Iraq and elsewhere. A warning to fans: This first section contains potential spoilers. Billy Russo, onetime Marine colleague of antihero Frank Castle, operates Anvil, a company that essentially hires ex-soldiers and sends …
Army Expands Brain Injury Research
To better understand and treat combat-related Traumatic Brain Injuries in places like Afghanistan, the U.S. Army announced that it would partner with a technology company to take a new look at these wounds. Zeriscope, a South Carolina-based company, received an exclusive contract to study heart rate variability, among other things. Researchers believe that HRV has a direct effect on attentiveness …