Netflix Series Prominently Features Military Contractors

Netflix Series Prominently Features Military Contractors

Anvil, a fictional private military contractor, plays an important role in the Netflix series The Punisher, but this company bears little resemblance to the ones that operate in Iraq and elsewhere. A warning to fans: This first section contains potential spoilers. Billy Russo, onetime Marine colleague of antihero Frank Castle, operates Anvil, a company that essentially hires ex-soldiers and sends …

Army Expands Brain Injury Research

Army Expands Brain Injury Research

To better understand and treat combat-related Traumatic Brain Injuries in places like Afghanistan, the U.S. Army announced that it would partner with a technology company to take a new look at these wounds. Zeriscope, a South Carolina-based company, received an exclusive contract to study heart rate variability, among other things. Researchers believe that HRV has a direct effect on attentiveness …

Amnesty International U.S.A. Demands Burn Pit Information

Amnesty International U.S.A. Demands Burn Pit Information

The human rights organization filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the federal government for information about the large garbage disposal pits that the military used in Afghanistan and elsewhere. To date, more than 100,000 veterans of the South Asian campaigns have complained of various respiratory illnesses, and according to AIUSA Security Director Daphne Eviatar, these individuals and their …

Five Things You Need to be an Overseas Contractor

Five Things You Need to be an Overseas Contractor

For many people, the excitement of traveling to a place like Japan, the opportunity to be immersed in a different culture, the substantial financial benefits, and some of the other perks are too good to pass up, so it seems like a great idea to take their skills overseas, and that typically is a good idea. Before you board the …

Private Military Contractor Pay Vs. Military Pay

Private Military Contractor Pay Vs. Military Pay

Is it true that private military contractors make a whole lot more money in places like Iraq and Afghanistan than regular army soldiers? Anyone who has ever worked as an independent contractor as opposed to an employee knows that the answer is both “yes” and “no.” Reliable and detailed statistics are hard to find, mostly because many private military contractors …