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DBA Newsletter – July 2018

COMING TO LIMA, PERU Periodically we travel throughout the world to meet with clients. We are happy to announce that we will be traveling to Lima, Peru in early October 2018 to meet with certain clients. If you need to meet with one of our attorneys regarding your case while we are in Lima, please let us know. Further, if …

Will Syria be the Next Afghanistan?

Will Syria be the Next Afghanistan?

Most people believe that postwar reconstruction in Syria will be a largely private effort. There are indications that combat operations might be privatized, as well, thus fulfilling Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s vision. Russia has already largely privatized operations in Syria. Wagner Group mercenaries usually take on the toughest combat assignments. Despite international law restrictions, these mercenaries supposedly enter Syria by …

The Long-Term Effects of a Mild Combat-Related TBI

The Long-Term Effects of a Mild Combat-Related TBI

Even a Traumatic Brain Injury that does not cause a loss of consciousness doubles the risk of dementia later in life, according to a recent study. Researchers already knew the link between concussions and more serious TBIs and dementia. The mild TBI-dementia link is new information, however. To reach their conclusions, researchers discounted other factors such as age and medical …

Five Places Overseas Contractors Serve

Five Places Overseas Contractors Serve

Wherever they go, overseas contractors fill important political and logistical roles that regular service members could not possibly fill. Politically, private military contractors allow the U.S. to flex its military muscle while downplaying the commitment of troops. That pitch plays well to the people at home and also to the locals. Both groups are anxious to have all the benefits …

Are Contractors Already Boots-on-Ground in Ghana?

Are Contractors Already Boots-on-Ground in Ghana?

Although the ink is hardly dry on a controversial defense pact between the United States and Ghana, contractors may already be at work in the West African nation. The nation’s Parliament approved the pact by a lopsided vote after opposition groups staged a walkout. Per the agreement, elements of the U.S. military will take up positions near the Kotoka International …