Seven Deployment-Related Occupational Diseases

Seven Deployment-Related Occupational Diseases

At Barnett Lerner, we deal with a number of deployment-related trauma injuries. As might be expected, most of them involve guns and bombs, but a few involve falls and other mishaps. Weapons of war cause both visible injuries and invisible injuries. These invisible injuries, especially brain injuries, are especially common in Iraq and Afghanistan. Combat contractors also struggle with occupational …

Is the Iraq War Heating Up?

Is the Iraq War Heating Up?

Recent events suggest that what was a local conflict in Iraq could soon become a regional conflict, as both Iran and Israel have recently joined in the fighting in the war-torn country. What do these developments mean for private military contractors? Officials believe that an Iranian-backed militia group launched a pair of rockets into Baghdad’s Green Zone. One projectile landed …

Multinational Talks Produce Preliminary Deal in Syria

Multinational Talks Produce Preliminary Deal in Syria

The United Nations, working with representatives from Iran, Turkey, and Russia, has brought Syrian strongman Bashar Assad and key rebel groups to the bargaining table. An agreement could mean the end of the long-running civil war in that country. In announcing the results of a trilateral summit in Ankara, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said that a “credible, balanced and inclusive …

Peace Talks End, and Violence Escalates, in Afghanistan

Peace Talks End, and Violence Escalates, in Afghanistan

It is apparent that America’s longest war will go on even longer, as neither side will be hammering their swords into plowshares anytime soon. Taliban and government leaders were scheduled to meet in a secret Camp David summit. Days before the meeting, a bomb in Kabul killed 12 people, including one American soldier and 10 civilians. After the Taliban took …

New Drugs May Reduce PTSD Symptoms

New Drugs May Reduce PTSD Symptoms

Fear and anxiety are two of the worst PTSD symptoms. A pair of new drugs may now help alleviate these symptoms in contractors who developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Iraq and elsewhere. Inside the brain, fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) enzymes are associated with fear and anxiety. Swedish researchers recently discovered that some patients experienced signs of fear extinction …