AFRICOM Awards Monster Contract to CACI International

AFRICOM Awards Monster Contract to CACI International

The contract, which could be worth up to $249 million, directs CACI to provide high-level support for U.S. Africa Command, as well as its partners and allies in the region. CACI CEO John Mengucci said his company would do more than provide combat support. Contractors will also work to improve existing systems and make them more efficient. “This contract represents …

The Defense Base Act: Some FAQs

The Defense Base Act: Some FAQs

It is hard to believe now, but in 1941, the United States had only been in one war outside North America. Since the anarchists of the early 20th century were history, terrorism was almost unherad of. So, lawmakers displayed rare foresight when they passed the Defense Base Act. Although there were virtually no overseas private military contractors at the time, …

Guam’s Andersen AFB Gets Multi-Million-Dollar Facelift

Guam’s Andersen AFB Gets Multi-Million-Dollar Facelift

The formerly sleepy and isolated Pacific outpost has become a potential forward operating base in a future conflict with China. So, the DoD feels the island’s largest airbase must be up to the challenge. Much of the work includes hangers and other air installations designed to service drones, tankers, and other long-range aircraft. One such facility, a Tanker General Purpose …

Al-Shabaab Attack Kills Two Contractors

Al-Shabaab Attack Kills Two Contractors

An Al-Shabaab attack killed two contractors and an Army specialist and destroyed six aircraft in a daring raid on the Manda Bay Army base in Kenya. About a dozen militants stormed the sleepy airbase, taking Americans by surprise. Most personnel huddled together in tents, anxiously waiting out the hours-long firefight. The three people killed was the largest number of fatalities …

Edging Closer to Peace in Afghanistan

Edging Closer to Peace in Afghanistan

Three years after longtime Afghanistan NATO commander John Nicholson said the conflict was a “stalemate,” America’s longest war might be closer to ending than it has ever been. An RIV (reduction-in-violence) agreement is already in place. This pact, which is basically a limited cease-fire, has largely held. As a result, negotiators felt it was time to take the next step. …