In the chaos of August 2021, departing contractors were forced to leave several hundred service dogs behind in Afghanistan. These animals, who are now technically under Taliban control, face an uncertain future. The U.S. military ensured that all its service animals made it home, largely due to a 2015 law on this subject. But contractor animals, who protected locations like …
American Troops to Remain in Syria
The Biden Administration recently announced that as long as ISIL is a potential threat in the northeast, combat forces would remain in the war-torn country. Many feared that Biden might suddenly withdraw from Syria in the wake of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Former President Donald Trump considered such a move in 2019, when the U.S.-affiliated rebel group the Syrian Democratic Forces …
VA Study: Toxic Exposure Causing Breast Cancer at Alarming Rates
Female military veterans have breast cancer rates up to 40% higher than non-veterans, mostly because of toxic exposure, a new study claims. Many of these female veterans had no genetic markers and no symptoms. They had something else in common — proximity to burn pits. One recalled that the dogs she cared for began dying. “The first tour, it was …
Major Fire at Major Kuwaiti Oil Refinery
Smoke billowed from the sprawling Mina al-Ahmadi oil refinery as the blaze inside caused multiple serious injuries. No one is sure what caused the fire. Eyewitnesses said they heard a large explosion at the refinery, which went online in 1949. Several videos posted to social media show black smoke pouring out of a large hole in the facility. Nevertheless, officials …
Contractors Moving Into Mali
The ruling military junta reportedly courted private military contractors from the United States and South Africa before it asked the Wagner Group to address ongoing security concerns in the West African nation. Speaking at the United Nations, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed that Russian mercenaries were en route to the war-torn country. Malian Prime Minister Choguel Maiga said …