New Government in Kuwait

New Government in Kuwait

Many Kuwaitis, and many Americans, hope that the reshuffled Kuwaiti cabinet deck of cards produces a winning hand. Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, who was re-appointed as prime minister last week, formed the new cabinet, announced in a decree carried by the state news agency KUNA. The Gulf Arab state also named a new defense minister, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Ahmed …

State Department Criticizes Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan

State Department Criticizes Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan

President Joe Biden immediately blamed former President Donald Trump for America’s chaotic 2022 exit from the war-torn country. According to a new State Department report, that shifting of responsibility was not entirely fair. “The decisions of both President Trump and President Biden to end the U.S. military mission posed significant challenges for the [State] Department as it sought to maintain …

Ecstasy, Magic Mushrooms, the Land Down Under, and PTSD

Ecstasy, Magic Mushrooms, the Land Down Under, and PTSD

The Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australia’s version of the Food and Drug Administration, made previously illegal psychedelic drugs available to persons with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Strict limitations apply. Only registered psychiatrists who have the ethics approvals normally needed to conduct clinical trials and who have gained regulatory authorization through a provider program will be allowed to prescribe them. The TGA …

Last-Minute Negotiations Stop Wagner Group Coup

Last-Minute Negotiations Stop Wagner Group Coup

Mercenaries frustrated with government policies occupied a Russian town and planned to march on Moscow. Fortunately, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko mediated a solution that avoided bloodshed. After the Ukraine War began, the Wagner Group’s ranks swelled from about 5,000 fighters to about 25,000. Wagner Group fighters in Ukraine complained about equipment shortages and mission orders. Russian military commanders sometimes ordered …

A Closer Look at Five Large Private Military Contractors

A Closer Look at Five Large Private Military Contractors

American private military contractor companies basically did not exist until the 1980s. The 1893 Anti-Pinkerton Act basically banned paramilitary organizations. Then, in 1978, the General Accounting Office reversed its strict interpretation policy. Several companies, 10 of which are listed below, quickly stepped up to take advantage of the new law. As contractor duties expanded, the possibility of injury expanded as …