America’s Burn Pit Laws

Over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of news surrounding a new Burn Pit law.  This law finally passed the U.S. Congress last week and was sent to President Biden to sign into law.  After much fanfare, President Biden approved and signed the bill on August 10, 2022 and it is now law. Burn pits were large …

Political Change in Iraq?

Political Change in Iraq?

The largest political party in the war-torn country nominated longtime government minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, whom some people claim is a puppet, to be the country’s next prime minister. Individual leaders of the Coordination Framework informally endorsed al-Sudani in various tweets and statements. Noticeably absent was the endorsement of Nouri al-Maliki, head of the State of Law Coalition, which has …

Supreme Court Opens Back Door for Burn Pit Victims

Supreme Court Opens Back Door for Burn Pit Victims

A sharply-divided Supreme Court ruled that an Iraq War veteran and former Texas Department of Public Safety trooper could use a 1994 law to pursue a wrongful termination case against his former employer. “I’m beyond thrilled and thankful that the Supreme Court agrees with our position and upheld the rights of servicemembers like myself,” the Army Reserve veteran said in …

General Dynamics Secures Monster Light Tank Contract

General Dynamics Secures Monster Light Tank Contract

One of the world’s largest defense contractors agreed to build 96 next-generation light tanks for the U.S. Army. The initial contract is worth $1.14 billion. Beginning in 2018, the Army tested about two dozen prototypes before settling on the GD light tank. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, final testing at Fort Bragg did not happen until 2021. By August of …

U.S. Private Military Contractor Killed in Ukraine

U.S. Private Military Contractor Killed in Ukraine

A former Marine who arrived in Ukraine in March 2022, shortly after the war with Russia began, has apparently died in combat. The vet was a prison guard in Tennessee for a private company when he shipped out for Poland en route to Ukraine. His body has not been recovered, and the U.S. government is remaining closed-mouthed about the situation. …