The Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act helps sailors, harbor workers, and maritime contractors receive workers’ compensation for injuries sustained on the job. It was enacted in 1927 to cover workers not specifically listed in the Jones Act, which requires that goods shipped over water from one U.S. port to another be carried only by entirely U.S.-based operations, from the …
If You Are an Injured Maritime Worker, Get the Compensation You Deserve
Have you been injured while working at a United States base overseas? Are you an American or a citizen of another country who has become disabled on the job while working off American shores? If either of these apply, you may be entitled to benefits, either through the Longshore Harbor Workers Compensation Act or with the assistance of Defense Base …
If You Are an Injured Maritime Worker, Get the Compensation You Deserve
Have you been injured while working at a United States base overseas? Are you an American or a citizen of another country who has become disabled on the job while working off American shores? If either of these apply, you may be entitled to benefits, either through the Longshore Harbor Workers Compensation Act or with the assistance of Defense Base …
By: David C. Barnett, Esq. A true story of how an injured worker, who did not have an attorney, was taken advantage of by the Employer and Carrier!! In May this year, an injured worker contacted my office and asked us to represent him in his pending Defense Base Act case. He told me he suffered psychiatric injuries as a …
Understanding Repetitive or Cumulative Trauma
Do You Experience Pain Doing Your Job? By: Liza E. Lima, Esq. Covered overseas employees, working pursuant to a U.S. government contract, are entitled to benefits when injured at work. These benefits commonly include medical care and wage loss compensation for their employment related disability. Various misconceptions often preclude overseas employees from seeking or pursuing benefits to which they are …