What is the Jones Act? The Jones Act is a federal statute of United States Maritime law, part of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, which allows injured seamen to sue their employers where there has been negligence on the part of the employer (or the captain or fellow crew member) which has resulted in an injury to the seaman. …
[vc_row full_width=”false” content_full_width=”false” background_transparent=”false” background_color=”#ffffff” background_repeat=”repeat” background_position=”top left” background_attachment=”scroll” background_cover=”true” video_background=”false” video_overlay=”false”][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]We are well aware that many of our clients utilize various social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. We need our clients to be aware that, although communicating via social media may be an activity you currently engage in, it also may present future problems in …
Maritime Law
Maritime Law is also known in English speaking countries as Admiralty Law. It embodies the case law and statutes governing disputes arising on navigable waters. This area of law is a complex matrix of different laws and international treaties often overlapping each other. Maritime law is an interesting mix of ancient legal theories, modern statutes, contract law and international treaties. …
Florida Workers Compensation Unconstitutional???
A Miami circuit court judge has ruled that the Florida Workers Compensation law is unconstitutional! In an August 13 opinion, Judge Jorge E. Cuelo, who sits on the bench for the 11th judicial circuit, has declared that the law violates several constitutional provisions, both in the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution, one section of which the right to be …
Afghanistan and Iraq Burn Pits
Afghanistan and Iraq Burn Pits There has been quite a bit of publicity in the last few years about the medical issues arising from the “burn pits” that were used for waste disposal in Iraq, Afghanistan and a few other locations where the U.S. military has established bases. Apparently, anything and everything that could burn was burned in these pits, …