New PTSD Treatment Options

There has been an increased focus and attention on mental health issues in the media, in particular the issue of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the long-term management of PTSD. This is of particular importance to civilian contractors working overseas. Many contractors develop PTSD as a result of their work in challenging overseas environments. the ailment can subsequently wreak havoc …

Questions About the Treatment of Those Affected by PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) commonly affects all those who work in difficult environments overseas, including members of the military and civilian contractors. Unfortunately, the treatment of PTSD sufferers falls far below fair and reasonable standards. Advocates are beginning to ask questions about the support provided to these individuals in the hopes of spurring change. New Investigations For example, U.S. …

Brain Imaging of Military Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injuries Shows Depression Signature

An important issue that has been the subject of many recent U.S. Presidential debates is the availability of mental health treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression among military veterans and civilian contractors working overseas. New medical and scientific research is providing health care professionals, in particular those that treat military veterans and civilians for mental health related issues, with …

New Efforts Underway to Quickly Assess Concussions and Other Brain Injuries

Diagnosing traumatic brain injuries (TBI) is challenging in that it typically requires fairly sophisticated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment and technology that is generally not available onsite. It often requires the patient to be transported to a specialty lab or some other capable facility. TBIs generally include structural injuries such “as a bruise or bleeding in the brain and what …

November 2015 Newsletter

The Discovery Process By Samuel Frankel, Esq.   As many of our clients know, once a claim is referred to the Office of Administrative Law Judges, it is assigned to a Judge, a Notice of Hearing is issued with a trial date, and the Parties are permitted to begin formal discovery.  The discovery process is something that is part of …